Funny place this San Pedro de Atacama. First of all, I was only kid here. Seriously. I mean tourist kid, there are local kids around, but place is packed with gringos. That is because San Pedro de Atacama lies at the entrance to the driest desert on earth, surrounded by spectacular scenery – short drive away lies the country’s largest salt flat, its edges crinkled by volcanoes. There are fields of steaming geysers, a host of otherworldly rock formations and weird layer-cake landscapes. People that visit this place are adventurous and with little kid that is not quite possible. The town itself sits at an average of 2,407 metres, just over the threshold for altitude sickness so a minority of visitors experience mild discomfort such as dizziness or headaches. Luckily, we were really good. They say the high quantities of quartz and copper in the region gives their people positive energy, and the good vibe. Maybe that was the reason we were really good. We spent 5 days in this place, in two different hotels (don’t ask me why) – both were amazing, and from here we visited some of these word wonderers – I couldn’t visit everything, because of altitude sickness. But I saw a lot!

We came late at night at first hotel.

Tired and hungry.

All food was amazing.

Next morning we are exploring place.

Everyone really liked this wild west atmosphere.

We met this strange chilean animals in town!

They are drinking milk, like me.

And we had funny meeting in one of the agencies. Owner has Croatian name and Croatian roots, never been there, but was so happy to talk with us. We booked some trips for tomorrow.

Melchor, beautiful cat!

San Pedro is full of agencies. There is million things to see or do around here, but you need to pay for it, so you need to choose wisely what to do.

No cars in centar, just bikes.

That is perfect for me as I can run freely.

As usually, by lunch time I got really tired. As we didn’t get trolley with us we need to improvise. Two chairs are always good.

It is short nap that I had, and now I am ready for rest of the day.

Everyone is playing with me.

And I am having a good time.

Pool time.

As people are on the tours around the place, hotel is empty and ours!

After 2500km trip we all need proper relax.

Iva and me are having fun with water.

After short time we stopped because we realised that we are in the middle of a desert. No water around here!

I really enjoyed this thing.

Third day we moved to different hotel.

Both were really really good.

But mommy said that this is most beautiful hotel she ever saw.

First some food, please.

Then some pool party please.

And this one had lots of pools.

Everyone enjoyed them.

And when we weren’t enjoying pools, we were in town searching for food.

Late night in town, me and local dogs.

And next morning bad hair day.

Exterior, as interior of this place is amazing. This is cactus flower.

And we are looking all the time at Licancabur vulcan, on the border between Chile and Bolivia.

And just around a corner is a jungle.

This is a place to live in!

First dinner with everyone.

And after private dinner with Pavle. This is our time.

Big persons are having good night drink. I am already sleeping.

Sky here is magic as well. We are in the middle of desert.
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