Finally, trip that we all have been waiting for – Japan! My brother went to Japan to study language few months ago, and we are going to visit him. We are all soo excited, and mom has been reading and planning like crazy, booking places, planning our activities and days that dad is already annoyed by this trip. To me – they promised bunch of activities, so I am super super excited about everything – both Japan and my big brother. And if last time in NY I walked a lot – here, in Japan I will break all possible records – I never walked so much!

I am totally ready for this big big trip.

After couple of airports and more than 15 hours of flight we are finally in Tokyo – Shibuya district.

And first thing on my bucket list – is this!

And then getting out almost immediately, to Shinjuku – mom has plans for us.

We have booked Robot restaurant for our first night.

At first look, even for me this place is bit too much.

But then somehow – I think I could like it!

And.. it is starting!

Some serious stuff is going on there…

WooW! I don’t know what about this was, but it was crazy!

Just going back to hotel we realise where we are…

This is Tokyo!

Next day is even better!

We are at digital museum and this is best museum ever!

Best trampoline in my life!

Some strange colourful eggs all over place.

I got lost in there.

I love it so much!

Strange digital woods.

And strange digital rain!

Upside down places.

We painted our animals for museum.

And my sea dragon is now part of digital sea!

We even had cup of tea here.

That was strangest cup of tea ever.

And then this place…

By the end of our visit museum got really busy, but we had some good time in there.

Just next to digital museum we found another one, History garage.

It was small and nice, with some really small cars :)

Back in Shibuya we had some amazing food.

We grilled it on our table

it was delicious!

After dinner we are walking around shiny and busy Shibuya.

Famous place that I know from internet and Youtube videos.

We went on the top of Magnet building to see it better.

Crossing is in all directions, as they say busiest intersection in the world, now is on our daily route.

And Super Mario carts are driving around here!

But we have other things to do now.

This is what we gonna do!

Famous crane games!

And this is my prize – dog Hachiko!

And then some arcade games.

My brother plays strange stuff.

I am happy with this one.

Next days we are visiting more strange places here, like this museum. If you ask me and mom, it was way too small.

Luckily, Tokyo has so many places for me, like this one.

This cat caffe has some really cute cats.

Be ready to spend some money on lollypops otherwise they wont even look at you.

For half an hour I was their best friend ever.

After, they forgot about me.

More than once we passed here, and took photos of this strange shopping mall.

Tokyu plaza entrance with its mirrors is crazy place.

After at night, we went to check Tokyo from one of the observation decks.

We didn’t know that when you buy ticket for Tokyo city view you get to see small but cute Pixar exhibition as well.

Good for me.

Takeshita Dori is a street we walked several times.

Busy busy busy, but really busy place.

This is my favourite area, with lots of crazy places, like this one.

Kawaii monster cafe is dream place for me.

I tried every single table in it.

I had some ice cream.

And had some fun with monster.

Another magical place is Akihabara.

This is what we came for. Forest of Owl, is place for my mom, owl lover.

This little guy looked stuffed toy at first.

And this one was dancing all the time.

There were some more serious faces there as well.

This one vas very very serious.

And this one also.

I love them!

And I learned how to pet them.

This was one beautiful experience for all of us.

And now, Akihabara!

Do I need to say why are we here?

Tatio station is gaming centar that you can find all over Tokyo.

And I love it!

I spent all small coins on these.

There is no that many small coins for all of these.

On the way back home we are enjoying Akihabara shiny shops.

And neon lights.

It’s why they call it Electric city.

WoW Akihabara!

Tonight I’m gonna dream about Tokyo, and tomorrow we travel to Kyoto – but we are coming back here!
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