Mommy always wanted to visit some Scandianavian country to see Northern lights. Daddy never wanted to go there because if you wanna see Northern lights you need to do it during winter, and it is cold in winter. He prefers sun, sand and beach. But somehow they decided to visit Iceland now because they realised that during February is colder in New York or London. Or at my nona’s place. So we got ready, took lot of warm clothes and went north for 5 days. Our mission is to see Northern lights, swim in Blue Lagoon and not to get cold. Flight to Reykjavik is a tricky one, connections from my hometown are poor during winter and we have 3 flights in 10 hours. Let’s go!

This is all my stuff. Doesn’t look a lot from here but it is and trust me, I used it all.

First early flight, it is still dark outside.

The sun is getting out.

I love little table and my own drink on the flight.

Long way so I sleep a bit.

An then after on the Icelandair I have little breakfast.

And there it is – Iceland – under ice and snow of course.

I am anxious to get out, for several reasons.. First, I had enough of sitting and second…

..This is my first time on proper snow!!!

It is already night when we arrived in Reykjavik, it is time for dinner and I’m enjoying snow all the way.

Our first restaurant. As I’m picky I wasn’t impressed with food.

Anyway I enjoyed dinner.

Next morning we are going to south.

I am dressed very well and ready. It is gonna be really cold.

Our first stop is Seljalandsfoss waterfall.

We are there just for short time. It is cold, and this is much nicer during summer.

Next stop is vulcan with a funny name – Eyjafjallajökull. Anyway I couldn’t see nothing because of snow :)

On the next stop I lost my interest for the nature. All I wanna do is snow.

And our guide was so nice and helpful so she teached me some tricks.

Anyway, this is what we saw. Skogafoss waterfall. To me, they are all the same.

Time to go souther.

We are going to see from close distance Solheimajökull glacier.

I decided to walk.

But after short time I got really tired.

And then wind started to blow and it was really cold.

So we decided that it is enough. We are not going closer.

There it is. Next time we do this in summer. Then we see it properly.

We have one more stop before going back to hotel.

Mommy and daddy left me with guide in the restaurant and went to Black beach. It was very windy and cold for me there.

One more thing we need to do before going.

This is it.

We can go now.

We are all tired.

We had nice sunset on the way back.

Good evening Reykjavik. It is 5pm.

Next morning we are exploring town.

It is very cold. And worst thing is cold wind, so this plastic thing helps a lot.

Fortunately they cleaned streets because first day it was impossible to drive stroller.

They have lot of polar bears around.

And some strange persons as well. I didn’t like his fingers at all.

And wow, I have a shop here!

As much as it is cold outside, as soon as you get in somewhere it is warm and cozy.

I liked this place.

And daddy loved his soup here.

After quick lunch mommy is making us to walk a bit more.

Even though sometimes it is dangerous around here.

This is what she wanted to see, Sun voyager. But it was soo cold and windy that we saw it from distance. Better get back to hotel. Tonight we are chasing Northern lights.

And after that night, what in beginning looked like green cloud…

Started to be stronger and stronger. Too bad I won’t remember this.

Last day is all mine. We are going to Blue Lagoon.

It is outdoor geothermal spa.

As much as it is cold outside, water is perfect!

I had fun here.

On the way back I am sleeping. What a busy morning.

Last stop for today. The Whale museum.

Not big but really nice and informative.

And you can draw your own whale here!

This is mine.

Last night dinner.

And night walk to hotel.

I love this!

Flying back home. It is 16 hours this time. Sweet dreams.
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