After two weeks with Pavle and Iva, two other persons joined us, Toni and Andrea. Day after they arrived we went all together to the south by van. We are going to Concepción to family gathering and baptism of my cousin Mariano. This trip is a test for bigger trip that we gonna make next week. There is 600km to Concepción, and we gonna drive there 6 hours (it was 10 but we don’t know that yet), and on the way back to Valparaiso we will stop in Pichilemu, popular spot for surfers. My daddy and his friends wanna surf (they won’t do it, but we don’t know that yet as well).

And we are going.

And stopping for lunch soon. Because we left house really late and it is lunch time now.

Freestyle eating.

I mix everything.

They were laughing about this piece of paper all the time.

Drive is really long and there is nothing to do but sleep.

We arrived really late, and I met my cousin Sofia and her mommy and little animal.

Big persons just started to have fun and I went to sleep.

Tomorrow morning we visited green market.

I don’t know what is with my mommy and markets, but now even her friends enjoyed market.

If Valparaiso’s market is messy and stinky this one is that ten times more.

And I think that we were only blond persons here ever because people were really happy to see us.

Yes, mommy and friends looked different.

These are the things from the beach. It is food.

This is why we came here, sea food – mariscos.

Some food is really good says mommy, like this one here

And some is horrible, like this red stuff.

Quick lunch before everything.

And I am ready for the church and party.

Love my shoes!

I don’t know what is with them and hats. Daddy told me that they look like proper gringos now.

But they took that hats really serious.

My Chilean family

This little Pocahontas is my cousin, can you imagine that? Her name is Maria Paz.

What a strange bath is happening over there.

I don’t get it.

After church hole family is going to eat and drink.

I came here mostly for dance.

Maybe you don’t know that by now but I’m gonna be a dancer.

Or a bass player.

Or a scientist.

These are little persons that I had fun with.

This one is the only one with blond hair and blue eyes, like I am. And she is Chilean!

That looks nice.

Next morning we are driving via Pichilemu. It is 300 km drive.

I am behaving really good.

We are making stops on the way so I can walk and play a bit.

This is not mine, I swear.

It was already dark when we arrived. This is the only place where we haven’t booked place to sleep. Mommy is getting crazy as place is packed with surfers and everything is full.

After couple of hours of searching finally one lady let us in in her bungalows. Thanks to me. And of course she made us pay a lot.

It is all good. I have bed and milk.

In the morning we are exploring place.

Chileans like cables.

Having quick breakfast. Well – quick is the term that Chileans don’t know – we waited for small breakfast more than half an hour.

I have strangest balloon ever.

It is Peppa pig!

We are ready for the beach. Seriously, just in Chile you are going to the beach dressed like this.

But it is a beach, and I am happy!

They came here to surf. So they are checking all this small places.

It is not sunny and warm. In the matter of fact it is windy and cold!

There they are.

The food.

And more of it.

At the end I was the one to get to the water and it was cold. Surfers decided to skip it.

I had fun anyway.

And just for record, this is Pave’s and my beach now.

Lunch on the way back to Valpo.

And of course, following Pave everywhere.

Bit more and we are home. In two days we are on the road once again.
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