I am 1 year and 1 month now, lot of things happened in between – I had 1st birthday, I am walking, I am eating some different stuff – not just milk, I’ve been in London once again, and I did big summer vacation. It is September, great weather, and my parents are taking me to Portugal. We will spend some time in Lisbon, and then we will do mini road trip to the south of Portugal. 4 days of road trip means travelling 4-5 hours per day and every night sleep in different place. They are talking about nice landscapes and beaches.

I am ready


Arco de vitoria

Praca do Comercio

Looking old

Bairro alto by day

Something like ghetto in my hometown

Ok, forget strollers if you wanna visit old district of Lisbon. In narrow streets it is impossible to drive them. Also, famous tram 28 is not an option if you have baby. Keep it simple. We are going to the top of Alfama like this (tuk-tuk), and I am fine.

This is the view from the top of Alfama

And now we are going down.

Tram 28

Going to the Arco de Vitoria

Jerónimos Monastery

My parents are avoiding cues, so we see all this things just from outside. There is no chance that we will wait more then 10 minutes to get in somewhere. Yes, I know, it is not cool – not cool for them actually, I am fine with that. Try to cue with baby or small kid for 30 minutes and you will understand.

Torre de Belem

Once again, it must be beautiful inside, but… It is nice to see it like this as well.

40 minutes to get here. It was hot, we were sweating and I was moody. We came just for photos.

Dinner time. Ipad is secret of good behaving during dinner.

And piece of bread also.

Night life

Aaaand road trip.. way to south!

Parque natural de Arrabida

That looks nice

First beach. Portinho da Arrábida

We gonna eat here. Food is fresh and tasty.

Going south again. We need to get to next hotel before dark.

We almost get lost. Hotel is in inland and it is really difficult to find it.

But we did it, just in time for dinner. Herdade da Matinha, Cercal

I loved this place. No TV, just nature. Everything is simple.

Dinner time. This is restaurant lamp. I am not sure about that.

In the morning I had little hamsters in front of the room.

Beutifull morning

Amazing place, perfect for families with kids.

They plant their own food and fruits as well

Going more south. First proper beach on our way. Praia de Odeceixe. It is huge, bigger than any other beach in my small life!

Second beach today, Praia de Amoreira

First time walking on the sand, I just love it!

I will never put my shoes again!

Although mommy and daddy thought that they will swim, they changed their mind, so we are hitting the road again

Third one. Praia da Arrifana

Very very windy here

There are at least 20 beautiful beaches in this area

The most southwestern point of Portugal is here

Cabo de San Vicente

Of course we didn’t get in. We need to find hotel for tonight.

There it is. We are in Baleeira. And I am pirate!

On the way to the best beach ever (my parents say)

Praia do Marinha

Piece of heaven!

Last sleeping on this road trip is in Faro.

This was funny as place was packed with elder people. Even mommy and daddy looked really young

But I felt like princess here!

After good sleep we are getting back to Lisbon, road trip is over and I enjoyed it.
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