I am 7 months and 5 days now and we are flying to Dubai. It is on Middle East and ME is part of Asian continent, so this is my first second continent. This is big flight (in terms of time), as we need to stop in London for couple of hours and then fly again to Dubai. Flight to London lasts 3 hours, to Dubai almost 7, and we have 3 hours on the airport in between. This kind of trip required lots of logistic. Luckily, I am still mostly breastfeeding, and that helps a lot. No food or liquids on airport security checking, and when I start to be moody or nervous mommy calms me with milk. Like that is in Europe. Dubai and UAE are not opened for breastfeeding in public, so we need to have milk in bottle. Dubai is great place, lots of things to do and see, even for little ones like I am. Very secure country and people just love small kids.

My and mommy’s luggage for 6 day trip

Hello Dubai!

View from our hotel room

Im fine, jus a little bit tired

On this place mommy and daddy can drink. Is is forbidden in Dubai to drink

Burj Al Arab

Very kitschy

by night

Bars. We can’t go there because I am not alowed

Something nice

Not the biggest one, this aquarium was perfect for baby like me

This was fascinating

And i really enjoyed it


Shopping time!

Daddy buying some strange things

Looking funny

We are going up! Tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa, 829.8 meters. Just for record I am tall less then 1 meter.

Stunning view from the top

Beach time!

This is my first beach! Although I have plenty of beaches in my country, we don’t have sandy beaches like this.

I haz powerz.
We are off to desert. Mommy and daddy wanted to see it, and I am really too small, so they talked with agency to see if is possible for me to do it. Yes it is, but with precautions.

They fixed me really good in baby seat and driver was carefully and slowly driving over dunes. Too much shaking is not good for my little brain.

I am smallest one here, of course.

Protected from sun, sand and wind.

We watched some birds, but seriously, I missed it all.

There was really nice sunset over there. I know, cause I saw the colours.

Ok, I don’t know what this is but it is huge!

And there is more of it!

And this one? Scary!

Beduin camp.

Dinner time! Formula milk as we can’t breastfeed here.

I don’t know what is that, but people really enjoyed it.

I am still smallest one here.

We cant wait for belly dancer cause it is getting too late and too cold for me. That’s it.

Ready to go back home

What can I say? I love to travel. It is so easy.
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